Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Printing for MacOS

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Printing for MacOS

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Printing for MacOS

Make sure you are connected to "Eduroam" before proceeding.
1. visit the Saint Paul College website  at

2. towards the top, click on "Student Services"

3. click on "IT Services and Help Desk"

4. scroll down a little bit and select "BYOD printing"

Make sure the instruction says "Set up printing on your Mac"

5. click on the green "download" button"

6. click on your download folder. If your download folder is in the bottom right, go to step 7. If not, follow step 6a and forward.

      a. click on "Finder"
      b. on the left hand side of finder, locate the download section and click on it
      c. find the name "pc-mobility-print-printer" and double click on it. Move on to step 8.
7. click once on the "pc-mobility-print-printer" to start the installation.

8. Double click on "Papercut Mobility Print Client.pkg"

9. click "continue"

10. click "continue" again

11. click "agree"

12. select the "Macintosh HD" disk that has the green arrow and click "continue"

13. click "install"

Type in your computer credential if it ask
14. click "close"

15. select "Move to trash"

Printing From Your Own Device

1. Find the file you are trying to print, and print it as you normally would (Go to File -> Print)

2.  Where it says "printer", click on it and choose either the "RM1262_Library_Printer" or any of the "RM3225_OpenComputerLab" printer

3.  click "print"

4.  When prompted, enter your starid and the starid password and click "ok"

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