Campus Phones and Voicemail

Campus Phones and Voicemail

Campus Phones and Voicemail

Saint Paul College utilizes a Cisco VoIP (Voice over IP) phone system. This system integrates with the college’s network, allowing you to check your voice messages through the college email.

Phone Directions

Log in and out of your Agent phone and software (Finesse).

Softphone SEP and Audio Options

How to pair Bluetooth Devices to your machine.

How to properly exit/close out of the Cisco IP softphone.

You can administer your voicemail messages using your email. Whether you are logged into Outlook on your office computer or through the Office 365 portal, you can listen to, save, or delete voice messages right from your email, and it will synchronize with your office phone.

Below are instructions for using the phone and voicemail system.

* Note that your "userid" or "extension" is the last 4 digits of your phone number.

Your phone will have a red light turned on when you receive a new voicemail. This light will turn off after you have played the message.

First t​ime voicemail box setup

Initial voicemail setup (only need to complete once):

This setup of voicemail must be completed on campus.

  1. Dial 1630 on your office phone.
  2. Enter in your temporary password of 1234.
  3. The Auto Attendant will walk you through the rest of the process to set up your voicemail box.

Accessing your voicemail box through the phone


  1. Dial 1630 on your office phone.
  2. Log into your voicemail with your current pin.
  3. Follow the instructions of the Auto Attendant.


  1. Log into your voicemail by dialing 651.846.1630. Press * after the system picks up.​
  2. Enter in your User ID (last 4 digits of your phone number).
  3. Enter in your current voicemail pin.
  4. Follow the instructions of the Auto Attendant.

Managing your voicemail box

Changing your voicemail pin using a phone:

  1. Access your voicemail box (see instructions above).
  2. When the system picks up, press 4 and follow the instructions to change your pin.

How to change your pin or request a new one if you forgot it.

  1. 1Please contact Alex Babin (, 651.846.1760) or the IT Help Desk (651.846.1440).

Change your greeting:

  1. Access your voicemail box (see instructions above).
  2. Press 4 for options, 1 for greetings.
  3. The Auto Attendant will walk you through the rest of the process.

Checking/Leaving messages

Checking your voicemail messages using a phone:

  1. Access your voicemail box (see instructions above) and then follow the Auto Attendant prompts.

Checking your voicemail messages using email:

  1. Access your email.
  2. Voice mail messages have a subject line of "Cisco Unity Connection Messaging System”.
  3. Double click the email message.
  4. Click the PLAY button located inside the message. The message will play through your computer speakers.
  5. If you delete the message in your email or move it to a personal folder, it will remove it from your voicemail box as well.

Checking your missed and received calls using your phone:

  1. Press the up or down arrow on your phone for a “quick log” of your calls. See image:
  2. blue up down button old phone


    blue up down button new phone
  3. ​For more details and instructions, click here.

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