Choosing a Generative AI Course Policy

Choosing a Generative AI Course Policy

To help you prepare for teaching AEI regularly updates its CoachingSyllabus template document.  There is one section that asks you to choose one of three course policies on generative AI and delete the other two. Here are the three options, but Please book a meeting with our Academic Technologist if you'd like to consider which option is best for you or discuss how to include AI-literacy activities in your course.

Option 1: Prohibited

All work submitted during this course must be your own, this means that Generative AI tools are not allowed. Using AI tools without permission violates the College’s academic integrity policy. Any allegations of academic misconduct will follow the process outlined in the student code of conduct ( 

When to choose this:

This option is a strict prohibition of AI tools. If you choose this one students would still love to hear why you think using AI tools is not aligned with the course goals. This could include a  demonstration or critical thinking activity very early in the course. You may find some may even agree with you ;)

Option 2: Conditional

There are situations in this course where I may allow you to use certain generative AI tools. Please follow all assignment instructions and clearly indicate what work is yours and what part is generated by the AI. If you are unsure, ask me about it before you submit your work. 
Outside of those situations where it is permitted, you are not allowed to use generative AI tools to create content (text, video, audio, or images) that will end up in any of your graded work. Any allegations of academic misconduct will follow the process outlined in the student code of conduct ( 

When to choose this:

Option 2 prohibits AI usage EXCEPT in any assignment or activity where you explicitly allow it. You will need to be very specific in what you allow and why in your assignment instructions, including how to cite it. Also remind students every time it's still not allowed in other activities, because they may forget (we've heard unconfirmed rumors of students not reading the syllabus!).

Option 3: Open

Within this class, you are welcome to use artificial intelligence tools in a totally unrestricted fashion, for any purpose. Any of your work submitted using generative AI tools should clearly indicate what work is the yours and what part is generated by the AI. Any allegations of academic misconduct will follow the process outlined in the student code of conduct ( 

When to choose this:

Option 3 is for those who like to live on the edge. Remind students that according to the college policy, they must still always cite their AI usage.