How to set up your email signature in D2L Brightspace

How to set up your email signature in D2L Brightspace

Sending email to students using D2L Brightspace is convenient, and you can set up your email signature to make it easier for students to find all your contact information in one place. Here are the steps to set up your email signature so that email you send from D2L Brightspace – including email sent via an Intelligent Agent – automatically includes your signature.

There are two places where you can choose to set up your signature. You only need to set up your signature from one of these places. Both places set your signature for all your course shells on D2L Brightspace.

Option 1

1. Go to CommunicationsEmail – the Settings icon:

 a screenshot of the email button under the communications tab in D2L

 The Compose new Message area with the settings button on the right


2. Then, type your signature in the Email Signature box:

a screenshot of the text entry box for your email signature

3. Click Save when you finish

Option 2

You can also set the signature from your profile on the top right of D2L Brightspace.
1. Click on your name – Account SettingsEmail tab:

 A screenshot of the profile area


2. Then, type your signature in the Email Signature box:

a screenshot of the text entry box for your email signature

3. When you are done, click the Save and Close button.

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