Level Up! Lecturing

Level Up! Lecturing

If you are reading this, it is highly likely you already up your lecture routine and are looking for ways to continue to change your lecture delivery.  Congratulations!  You are indeed developing a growth-mindset. If you are a pro at lecturing, it is time for you to Level Up! Select an adaptation from below and up your game.   
  1. Think-Pair-Share Activity: Pose a question for the class to consider. Give learners 30 to 60 seconds to silently ponder the question. Next, have each learner pair with another learner near them. Together, pairs discuss their answers for a few minutes, create a response, and prepare to share their response with the whole group. Pairs then share out to the class for large group discussion.
  2. Skeleton Notes: To keep your learners engaged, provide partial notes for them to fill in as the lecture progresses. Typically only parts of the lecture are included in the notes provided.
  3. Confidence Level: Pause your lecture and ask learners how confident they are that they could reteach this concept to another person. On a scale of 1-5 (5 = totally confident), learners raise their fingers. This provides the instructor immediate feedback on learner understanding.
  4. Muddiest Point: At the end of a section of material, learners anonymously write down the most difficult or confusing part of the lesson, reading, or session. The educator collects, reads, and then uses responses to assess learner understanding of course material. Educators then clarify misconceptions and sticking points for learners.
  5. Self-Reflection: Encourage learners to do some thinking about how they are thinking and learning. What connections can they make to other concepts? Where are the current misconceptions?
No matter what activity you try, make it meaningful for your learners.  Tie the material into learners' lives with applied examples, or invite learners to brainstorm for themselves how the material ties into their lives. During your lecture, provide opportunities for group discussions or debate to discover, discuss, and defend these connections.  Above all else, keep trying and mixing up your game. 
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