EAB Navigate
How do I update my email address?
If you have recently changed your email address students can log into Saint Paul College E-Services and update their email address. Put in a personal email address so you can receive Saint Paul College password notifications 21, 7, 1 days before your ...
Student Email Using Microsoft Outlook App (iOS)
Student Email Using Microsoft Outlook App (iOS) 1. Navigate to the "App Store". 2. Search for the "Microsoft Outlook" app from the App Store. 3. Click on "Get" to download the app. If you installed Outlook before, click on the cloud icon as shown ...
How Do I Retrieve My StarID?
How Do I Retrieve My StarID? 1. In the URL bar, type in "starid.minnstate.edu" and press “enter” on your keyboard. 2. Click on “What is my StarID”. 3. Select “I know my email address”. 4. In the drop down, type in the personal email address that was ...
Change your Primary contact information - Starid Profile
All students, staff, faculty should make sure they have the most up to date contact information listed in their Starid profile. Go to https://starid.minnstate.edu/ 1. Click on Sign in to Profile 2. Click the Starid profile tab. Note: Starid ...
StarID Password Reset
StarID Password Reset 1. Click on the StarID website link. 2. Click on “Reset my Password”. 3. Select “I know my email address”. 4. In the drop down, type in the personal email address that was used in creating the StarID and click “continue”. 5. ...
How can I use my StarID?
StarID gives you access to: Office365 (https://office.com/) D2L Brightspace (https://saintpaul.learn.minnstate.edu/) eServices (https://eservices.minnstate.edu/student-portal/secure/dashboard.do?campusid=206) EAB Navigate ...
What are the StarID password requirements?
The password complexity requirement associated with the StarID complies with the Minnesota State password security guideline. Passwords must meet or exceed these criteria: Changed at least every 180 days. Between 8 and 128 characters long. Use at ...
What is a StarID?
Your StarID is a username that can be used to log into many different online applications at Saint Paul College, as well as across the Minnesota State system. Your StarID consists of two letters, followed by four numbers, followed by two letters, ...